Thursday, 26 February 2015

Fabulous February

Several members of the group were missing, however, everyone made use of the time to get on with some stitching.  'Show and Tell' revealed some excellent work from all those there ...

This person was missing when we did this exercise and has since done some 'homework' and created a page in her sketchbook.  Most effective and she had found it useful too, providing another way of looking at things.

Never gave up on a piece of work ... this was one of the pages produced when we used a reed as a pen and some black ink to draw with.  It had been sploshed with water and allowed to dry.  It has now been chopped up and rearranged to create this fantastic sketchbook page.

Apologies for the poor reproduction of these sketchbook pages, however, this very 'arty' member of our group had lost her mojo and, using her own photographs, she stitched a small sample using just 12 stitches and found her love of stitch had returned.  She then went on to produce the 'inchies' shown further below.

These bottles espied by one of our ladies had nicely linked in with the previous month's exercise. She then went on to machine stitch the small sample on the right, very reminiscent of Zentangles?

A small book (Fun with Collage) acquired for pence and written by Jan Beaney provided the inspiration for the piece on the lefthand side of this sketchbook and a small handmade greeting card shown at the previous meeting had encourage this person to have a go at couching using coffee stirrers!  Well done you!

We have discussed the importance of learning embroidery stitches at several previous meetings and it was therefore a surprise when this person found herself producing these 'Inchies' using different stitches at a meeting of a separate group in which she participates.

The seashell pages from last month have now expanded into more sampling and were lovely to see. Discussion followed on how to reproduce them in stitch and 3D.

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